
Thursday, 23 February 2012

Future of the Media Industries

Ryan Davies introduced one of the A2 groups to a website called

Here bands / film producers etc. can pitch an idea to the virtual public and receive funding for their project.

Could this be an example that counteracts Tapscott and Williams and their notion of web 2.0 promoting a "free economy" or Charles Leadbeater who asks the question "what happens if we all freely share"? The idea that peep to peer sites that allow audience members to share their music provoking the debate that money is being robbed from then industry hence there is no money to re-invest in new artists and quality is hindered could be turned on it's head.

This new phenonomen, currently only in the US, could be the way forward. As Julian McDougall states "web 2.0 is more about the people and less about the media" - audience now have more choice over media that is commissioned - it's exactly what we want???

Will this idea grow?

Check out some film makers and music artists that have been raising funds to have their work professionally produced.

Huge thanks to Ryan for sharing this great example with us all.

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